**Disclaimer** The content and opinions expressed on this Blog page necessarily do not reflect the views of nor are they sponsored by Marietta City Schools, the school, the Board of Education, or the Superintendent. This Blog page is run by the Sawyer Road Elementary PTA, which is separate from Marietta City Schools.

Volunteer Opportunities


Volunteer Opportunities Descriptions

Bilingual Interpreter's - Sawyer Road Elementary is a diverse school with many ethnicity's, culture's and spoken languages from around the world. Bilingual Volunteer's are greatly needed to help us reach all sawyer families. Help is also needed in translating written documents and flyers for all PTA events.

Creative Chair – Assist with event planning, set up and clean up: Marietta Square Scarecrow, Teacher Appreciation Week, Snack-n-Wrap.

Communication Chair – Oversee newsletter, webpage, blog and email blasts to all Sawyer Families.

Community Resource Partnerships – Reach out to the community and foster educational partnerships and opportunities for our Sawyer Families and Students.

Diversity & Inclusion Chair – Address the needs of Sawyer Students regardless of ethnic origin, language, economic status, disability, political status, family structure or geographic location. 

Fundraising – The PTA organizes major fundraising initiative, which begins in September. The PTA also organizes passive fundraising opportunities (BoxTops, local merchant card links, etc) in order to finance the programs, events, and services the PTA offers.

Hospitality – Assist with event planning, set up and clean up for the four (4) General PTA Meeting Events: International Night, Winter Dance, Career Night and Art Show.

International Night – The SRE International Night is a night when we come together to celebrate the diverse cultural backgrounds of our school community. Perfect for the entire family! (Fall)

Membership Chair – Enroll members throughout the school community, including local businesses. Promote the value of PTA, increase PTA membership and give everyone in the community an opportunity to belong. Events include: Back To School Teacher Luncheon and Welcome Back Breakfast for Kitchen Staff, membership sales at General PTA Meetings and Scholastic Book Fair. 

Men of Sawyer Road Elementary - Is a new group forming in the Fall of 2011. The mission of the SRE Men’s Group is to provide a place for men to make a difference at Sawyer Elementary by giving their talents and skills in support of their children and all children at SRE.

Merchandising Chair – Order and sell all Spirit Wear T-Shirts throughout the year. Spirit Wear is sold at all four (4) General PTA Meetings and during Conference Week.

Newsletter – Published monthly, the newsletter includes the PTA calendar, highlights and updates about current and upcoming programs and news related to the PTA. Volunteers are needed to help make copies and distribute the flyers.

Open House – The PTA uses this time to gather PTA memberships, sell spirit wear, recruit volunteers and meet and greet new Sawyer families to our school. Volunteers are needed to set up, take membership information, handle money and answer any questions. Bi-lingual Spanish speaking volunteers are greatly needed to translate. (August)

Parent Ambassador Program – The purpose of the Parent Ambassador Program is to promote SRE and inform our parents about all that Sawyer has to offer. Key Focus: Be a resource for other parents; give school tours to prospective parents; understand IB and be able to explain it; be an active member of PTA; and host parent info sessions.

Parent / Friend Engagement Chair - Help strengthen the support and sustain the involvement of parents in the lives of their children. Events include: Grand-friend Lunch (Nov.) and Bring Your Family to School Week (Feb.). 

Red Ribbon Week - Red Ribbon Week is the nation’s oldest and largest drug prevention program in the nation reaching millions of Americans during the last week of October every year. Volunteers needed. (October)

Reflections –This annual student art showcase is sponsored by the National PTA. Our PTA volunteers submit student entries and recruit judges in the categories of visual arts, music, literature, photography and dance.(September - October) 

Rewards – Collect and enter Box Top Rewards. Encourage Sawyer Families to clip and save all Box Tops and Coke Rewards.

Spirit Wear – The PTA helps to select, sell and distribute "Spirit Wear" to promote school spirit and pride. Spirit Wear is sold at all General PTA Meetings and during the Scholastic Book Fair.

Spring Art Show – The PTA hosts this event which showcases Sawyer's art program. (April) Hospitality helps coordinate set up, and clean up.

Staff Appreciation Week – The PTA recognizes and rewards our dedicated teachers and staff during Staff Appreciation week. The Creative Chair coordinates events during that week. (May) Volunteers are greatly needed for this week long event.

Take Your Family To School Week - Families are encouraged to come to school and enjoy lunch with their child and classmates. (February)

Teacher's Back To School Luncheon – The PTA warmly welcomes our amazing Sawyer Teacher's with a delicious back to school luncheon. The Membership Chair coordinates this event with it's main goal, to gain 100% Teacher and Staff Membership. Volunteers are needed to cook, bake, set up and clean up for this event. (August)

Vision / Hearing Screening – The PTA volunteers at the vision and hearing screening event; In many cases, this is where vision problems are noticed that might otherwise go undetected. (September)

Volunteer Coordinator – Recruit and place volunteers as needed throughout the year. 

Weekly Readers – The PTA provides volunteers to read with children 30-40 minutes/week in order to foster better reading skills.

Yearbook – The PTA produces the school yearbook. This committee also works with sales, dedications and business advertisements.

Any questions, please contact us at SawyerRoadPTA@gmail.com